design for someone I will enjoy both design wise and musically.
Meet the band.
Marcus Mumford
Marcus is the lead singer in the band alongside guitarist he also plays
other instruments such as the mandolin! the band is experimental in its
instruments. Marcus was born in California but to brittish parents holding
dual nationality explaining his post war brittish dress sense. Not only a
member in the band Mumford is also a producer.
Winston Marshall
Winston is also a guitarist but well known for playing the banjo!
Before joining mumford and sons Marshall ran a music night at the
Bosun's Locker, a music club on King's Road in Fulham.
Ben Lovett
Ben was one of the founding members starting up mumford and sons
Ben studied with Marcus which lead to the great band they are now.
In the band he primarily plays the piano and keyboard but also guitar
and drums. Alongside Marcus, Lovett is also a music producer and is
well known for producing Ellie Gouldings song 'Lights'.
Ted Dwane
Ted not only part of the band is a keen photographer having built his
own website and portfolio. Teds main part
in the band is bassist.
Genre: Rock/Folk Rock/Folk
Best Selling Singles:
Little Lion Man
I will wait
How long have they been here: Mumford & Sons came about in 2007
in London.
Current Albums:
Their first album was released in 2009 which was Sigh No More
Most Recent album I will be producing my work for: Wilder Mind
This album is considerably different to some of their other hit songs
it seems the band has had a change of tone which could explain the album
art for this album and a logo rebrand. I personally feel their previous logo
represented their character and music better I will try to incorporate this
into the design but try to show their changes as a band.
"Right from the opening bars of Tompkins Square Park, it’s apparent that
those early sessions in New York and London witnessed a change in the
band’s approach not just to writing and recording, but to texture and
dynamics, too. There is a minimalist yet panoramic feel to the new album,
whose sound Marcus describes as “a development, not a departure.” Which
came about how – by accident, or as a result of a conscious decision? “It
was a bit of both. Towards the end of the Babel tour, we’d always play new
songs during soundchecks, and none of them featured the banjo, or a kick-
drum. And demoing that song with Aaron meant that, when we took a break,
we knew it wasn’t going to involve acoustic instruments. We didn’t say:
‘No acoustic instruments.’ But I think all of us had this desire to shake it up.
The songwriting hasn’t changed drastically; it was led by a desire not do the
same thing. Plus, we fell back in love with drums! It’s as simple as that.”"
This is an inspiring movement in the bands position in music they are
simply growing into who and what they want to be and slowly revealing
their new identity which explains the logo rebrand.
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