Sunday, 22 November 2015

OUGD504 - Brief 3 - Evaluation and Explanation - Final

Final Solution

Target Audience: Graphic Design Students who have never
experienced Leeds and/or Designers and Type enthusiasts
visiting leeds.

Bind: Hardback, to protect the book against damage in bags
etc. Also giving substance to the small amount of content in the
book. Also lays flat to have optimal viewing.

Inspiration: Type of Sheffield, I am inspired by a similar Idea
in leaflet form although the leaflet is purely illustrated I have taken
this idea and changed it for the context of my book also specifying
the type genre of hand crafted type.

Cover Design:
Inspired sign painted type which I created by using a brush pen and
foiling it gold to give both an aged and authentic feel to the design.

My book is purely photographic to stimulate the reader by it being mainly
image based it appeals to a younger audience as many students are
indated with large amounts of copius text they are more likely to
engage better with an image based content, to also add information
to my book I created a index and map for those interested in more about
the historic nature of the type by having this separate it gives the reader
the option wether or not to read it. My content is printed on a textured
paper with pulp engrained this was inspired by my experiments with paper
although I would of liked to of used G.F.Smiths' Gmund Bier Wizen
stock as a student it was more logistical to use a cheaper stock if to be
recreated commercially I would use that paper because of the textures
and effect it has on the printed images (seen in my example). By using
the paper commercially the price would reduce due to a high amount of
My book cover is simply printed onto G.F.Smiths Indigo paper I used this
paper because of the contrast between the type on the stock, this makes the
typography stand out clear and compliments the design. Although my stock
is a good colour it is likely to be damaged by things such as water and dirt
due to it being paper the only solution to this is finding a similar coloured
buckram which would prevent damages of this kinda - My cover and book is
a simple bind and would by reasonable to be printed a commercial printer
after asking my manager at work how much a short run would cost, it is
unlikely they would print this book because of the bespoke quality my book
would need to printd somewhere dedicated to publication print such as
precision but this could increase the price but in turn the quality.

Overall I am proud of the outcome of my book there are small adjustments
I would make as noted if my budget was bigger etc but the overall finish of
my book is professional - this book could be easily reproduced at a printers
but at a small fortune due to finishes and run.

I enjoyed this brief because I experimented with different techniques such
as binds and foiling, because of this I would like to use these in upcoming
briefs in the future.

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