Saturday, 23 April 2016

OUGD505 Brief 1 - Final Print for Exhibition & Evaluation

After doing my prints I layed them all out to make a decision on which had turned out best, below lies my favourite note, this was probably the best and diverse print of my bank note I did - with this I marble the inks. I chose this note because of the quality - I have since then mounted it onto gmund bier weizen stock, this is because the contrast of the grain suits my note and compliments it.


This brief has been inparticualry interesting, I have learnt a lot about the production and making of money not just in terms of design but actual thesis such as security measures - my favourite findings about security measures included the canadian passport with UV light (see bp) this design is both clever and visually appealing alongside this I found out plenty about british currency that I was unaware about such as silver threading... The strip going across the note I once believed was just holographic foiling but it is infact a silver strip which is threaded into the paper.

 Aside from my research into currency I explored my own interests into illustration and photography both looking at primary and secondary research. From my research I came up with the concept of creating something postive, in this case 'saving our wildlife' this is were my bank note and coin designs originated from, my coins feature animals of particular endangerment to british wildlife, and my note feature the habitats of said animals. The designs themselves were inspired by Beatrix Potter - wildlife lover and illustrator/book writer and british wildlife photography. If my bank note were to be actually printed at the royal mint it would definitely be reproduceable - I would also have access to creating holograms! this would look great on my leaf design.

One thing I found most difficult about this brief was picking a currency and direction, after copius amounts of research I was still intrested in knowing more about money leaving me eager to do it all, I intend to learn more in my personal time. 

What went wrong?
Nothing really went wrong in the design process itself until I got to the printing stage, the most problematic area was applying the gloss layer to my print, this was slightly disappointing in future I will re access the line point size before printing. 

what went well?
The overall quality of my prints are strong, I have been practicing my screen print methods in my own personal time this has paid off as I am growing experience in how to print better. It has also made me eager to do some more traditional prints.

If I were to do this brief again I would like to do some more illustration possibly of landmarks this time, I am happy with my outcome the only thing I would rectify are the mistake I made when printing a gloss.

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