After finally settling on a design I began to print my note through screen printing as I mentioned in the previous blog post, I have had to separate my design to create one complete note this means I needed 4 separation.
The first separation that needed to be printed was the block colour, then on to the actual image to do this I picked a green base and a navy for the halftone image this contrasted really well and created a deep green. Next the 3rd separation needed to be printed this was the silver layer, finally the clear/gloss separation.
Printing the gloss:
When printing the gloss I had some problems, the first few pulls printed perfectly and after only 5 mins the screen became fully blocked. This could of been due to the line point of my design, this was really disappointing for me as it meant my design was missing a main part of the element.
Fortunately I have a few images of the doccumentation before the screen became fully blocked.
Colour change:
With the clear screen blocking so easily I considered trying another colour, this pushed through much better but wasn't the effect I was looking for - so I decided to remove this layer for the time being.
4 Colour screen/ The positives:
Here are my exposed positives ready to be printed,
Embossing exploration:
After the realisation of the clear/gloss layer not working I had a go at embossing my design by hand using embossing tools this worked really well but the paper was not taking will under the pressure - in this response embossing was out of the question.
The next stage is picking which and what note to use for the exhibit.
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