Monday, 11 April 2016

OUGD505 Brief 1 - Travis Purrington USD design

Travis Purrington has designed a concept for the redesign of the USD.

"Purrington first researched the historical evolution of the U.S. dollar, concluding that the tradition of experimentation and exploration within U.S. currency history had stagnated in the last 80-plus years. “I simply wanted to introduce the idea that there is still room to grow and innovate in U.S. culture with currency,” he said."

"But is there really a chance that the U.S. would redesign the dollar bill?

“I’m not declaring that this proposal is a suitable replacement for the USD as much as I’m suggesting that one could exist,” he said. “But we simply don’t know because those gates are closed pretty tightly.” Purrington said that his proposal is not ultramodern—it’s still traditional paper-based currency. The idea, he said, is “transitional,” and he never considered it realistic. “I’ve taken great liberties with terminology and design elements that wouldn't survive the bureaucracy or banking structure. It is more relevant to say that this is a conceptual system.”"

The notes themselves are inspired by the average american worker. He targets things such as innovation,  nature, life, structure, and skill. His designs are bright and uplifting not only this but still has every security and feature from the current bank note (USD) it is the modernisation of the note and there is definitely a market for it.

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