Saturday, 30 April 2016

OUGD505 Brief 2 - Ideas & Concept

To get the ball rolling, I generated some thorough mind maps - this allowed me to use my research to define some ideas and concepts - It also helped me determine a target audience.

before coming up with a final concept I played with the idea of creating 2 guides for males and female students for example in a freshers pack. This seemed like a good idea but I felt that by doing 2 guides I was again separating genders. Both should be equal this means my campaign needed to be gender neutral.

I came up with ‘Lets be clear’ both as a campaign name and concept. The reason behind this is literally the name. Sexual assault/harrassment should be really honest and transparent there should be no misconceptions of rape, inappropiate manners etc. The idea of being clear really sums up just how unclear sex ed is now adays. This concept is incredibly strong powerful.

Picking a target audience was easy after my survey results (Check blog post) it was clear that most people believed that young adults around student age where more effcted this could be due to the lack of education taught earlier on.

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