The Brief:
In today's session with study task 2, and brief 2 in mind we were asked to create and design for the exhibition 'Disobedient Objects North' Disobedient Objects is an exhibition about the art and design produced by grassroots social movements. It includes exhibits loaned from activist groups from all over the world, bringing together for the first time many objects rarely before seen in a museum.
With this in mind we were asked to create an A5 leaflet and 10 page concertina, Featuring the exhibition the idea was to create a branding and identity. To do this I have looked into post modernism, because like this exhibition this is relevant to the rebellion of design. This lead me to use the provided content and guidelines to create a poster which expresses the overall feel of the exhibition but the movement of post modernism also.
A small insight to the guidelines for each product:
Format: A5 – Portrait
Title: Disobedient Objects North
Sub-Title: In Association with the V&A
Date: August 3, 2015 - August 29, 2015
Location: People's History Museum, Manchester.
Image: Single exhibit-based image, People's History Museum logo, V&A logo,
Use of two colours only: Black and white
(Use embedded InDesign file and follow grid.)
Save as PDF file.
With only the use of one image I chose to pick a big impact image - The guirilla girls, this really spoke statement for this exhibition by using this as the teaser it would appeal to those already aware of the movement of rebellion. Accordingly with the image I used all necessary information making it clear when, where and who was hosting the exhibition - I have kept the design both simple and impacting this is so that the message of the image is not lost, I chose the main type because of the connection to post modernism this really fit with the overall feel and experience I was trying to create.
Moving on to the concertina fold, i used a similar design to the flyer to execute consistency in retrospect - I should of us the same image on the flyer, for the front cover I added more relevant information. And again for the content I threw it on the page, making it unformalised and edgy, this really suits the overall exhibit, a small insight on what the consumer will experience.
The specifications:
Format: A5 x10 – Portrait – Concertina spread (front and back).
Title: Disobedient Objects North
Sub-Title: In Association with the V&A
Date: August 5, 2016 - August 31, 2016
Location: People’s History Museum, Left Bank, Spinningfields, Manchester, M3 3ER, United Kingdom
Not only this but content and body copy was provided, all the text must be included.. to pick my images I read the information I was to place on f the leaflet. After reading the leaflet I picked both the most appropriate and resoloution for print as many of the images provided where too small for print, in terms of quality. This directly informed my image direction.
Furthermore, I then expanded this task to create some additional material which I felt was appropriate for the exhibition, In this case I chose to create a ticket for admission, this has a similar and consistent feel the only thing different from the other material is no image, I feel adding an image was unecessary and would complicate the overall use of the actual ticket.
In response to this there is the possibility to expand this task further by considering other supporting materials such as; posters, banners, ad shells, bags/mech, brochure etc.
This task taught me to focus on the brief and what I was asked to do, not only this but it helped me learn how to adhere to a strict brief such as logo guidelines. By doing this it has allowed me to understand the importance of thoroughly understanding my work/the brief. In response this is similar to task 2 - A problem = the soloution.