Thursday, 26 February 2015

OUGD406 Brief 2 - Book Jacket

In total honesty I am unclear which design to take forward out of
my chosen 4 from asking for feedback it is clear that it is between
the red and white cover or the yellow and blue three. I've developed
these into book jackets to see which is most successful in book form.

This was one of the first formats I developed its too cluttered and uneasy on
the eye the placement and aligning of text is poor the use of colour is also not
so good its hard to read etc.

I changed the format to make it more legible although it still feels over
complicated and defiantly could do with improvement, I think I will scrap the
coloured type as it is too hard to read.

I tried the first initial format of type on the red cover although it looks a lot more
efficient it is still too much. The colours are really punchy and clear to see and

This format appears clearer and much more legible I still feel it could be broken
down further to make it easier on the eye I also feel having the authors on the
spine may be too much and should consider placing it elsewhere.

To improve the type alignment I have spaced each paragraph into their own column
this is defiantly much clearer I feel I need to experiment with font size and extras
such as the publishing logo and scanning code.
Similar response to the above..

Ive tried to experiment with adding extras such as the publishing logo and
barcode, Although I think it is needed the colours do not fit my design and
become almost garish. I'd like to try possibly merging the colours with my
design e.g. blue 

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