Wednesday, 14 October 2015

OUGD504 - Typesetting

What is the difference between Glyphs and Sorts?
Sorts are in physical form and Glyphs are digital or on the

A typecase is set out ordinarily in the Californian case this
is specific way of organising upper and lower case letters.

The letters them selves are backwards this is when they are set up
they print the right way round! This can be quite confusing on the
lowercase letters such as the b and d quite often people will confuse
the too and print the wrong word! Also in the case are Quads there
a different number of Quads but these are used to separate the words
on the set to make sure it is not compact. Lentgth ways the have
leading these are thin slithers of lead which are measured in points
Leading can be made up to 6 point after then this is called a slug!

When setting up your print you should use:

Furniture - To tighten up the chase (blocks of metal/wood/resalite)
Composition stick - To help you set your type
Flat hard surface
Chase - Chase Metal box around everything
Quoins - Expandable to tighten up chase
Leading - Also to use to tighten up the chase as well as spacing

Here is an example our tutor showed us of a set chase ready to be
proof printed.

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