I have used bulldog clips to secure my leaflet at this moment in time but realistically this would not be a cheap way to reproduce commercially it would need to be folded into itself or sticker. |
My design is inspired by Jefferson Cheng's wedding invitation
design, I have created a design relevant pattern using illustrator
and repeated this on the cover of the leaflet, to be consistant I then
used the design on my cards individually to represent a stage, e.g.
1. The brief - A magnifying glass. On the cards consists of numbering
and a body of text to show the process of 'The design process' by
numbering the stages it makes the reader aware which goes first, by
having the stages on separate cards the leaflet becomes interactive and
in turn more approachable. My target audience was Students studying
design, my body copy is written by me casually with some formalities
I have added small amounts of information if the process were to be
applied to a client not just course work. My design has changed throughout
from feedback because of acting on feedback I feel my design has
defiantly improved and is also more practical and suiting to the target
While producing my outcome I experimented with stock to see the
results printed I also did a pre run to check that my cards would fit
properly inside my design. Although on my final design I forgot to
add my cutter and had to guess foldthis also for my cards fortunately
the results are good if i were to reprint I would remember to add both
cutters to save stress and make my life easier! I also realised I hadn't
considered something to keep the leaflet closed if the brief was longer
I would maybe of created a vinyl sticker or created a flap for the leaflet
to contain itself as i ran out of time. I would of also liked to of screen
printed my design so I could experiment with stock and colour more as
I was very limited if I wanted to use dark blue as the background instead
of the orange as the ink is so light it would not show up which is why
screen printing would be a great direction to take my design if to further it.
Overall I have produced a piece of work I am proud of the design appeals
to me personally but also to my peers after asking for their response this
is helping with my confdence as a designer. There are lots of things I
would change with my design that I have talked about but I believe
without making these mistakes I would have not learnt from it.
Ironically i followed the process I wrote in my leaflet and this helped
me to keep organised this brief has helped me get back into the year and
also help me remember how i need to consider time management as I feel
this caught up with me only too quick the next brief I will organise myself
better to help myself.
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