300gsm gloss cartridge paper
it has a high surface sheen and has a very smooth finish, gloss
is usually used in magazines. Its fairly thick but the surface
responds to bright/high quality photos typically I would prefer
my book to appear matte to have less of a magazine look.
150gsm Silk paper
Silk paper has a low surface sheen and nice feel to touch, its more
low key to gloss paper I much prefer this texture to gloss cartridge.
It is also a better choice of readability due to a less reflective surface.
300gsm silk cartridge
Similar feel to silk paper although this is considerably thicker almost
quite like card this could pose a difficulty to turning pages.
270mic 380gsm Opaque card, Dual sided
This card can be printed onto both sides with high quality it has a similar
feel to silk cartridge and only slightly thicker it is slightly grainy
suggesting a lower quality print.
500mic true card dual sided
This is also dual sided its mainly used for greeting cards, it is also
scratch resistant on the outside this is good for printing but will
not work on the book bind machine due to the maximum stock
having to be 400gsm.
Cartridge paper/coloured paper
This is uncoated and has a slight rough grain reasonably thick and
cheap to buy it is also very good for printing i'd like to try printing
my mock up onto this to see the results.
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