in person and via social media to the following questions here are
their responses.
•I like trains!
They're fast and relatively cheap
•Tickets are okay if
you book in advance but too expensive otherwise
•I sometimes do for the
sentimental value
• I think electronic
would be good unless your electronic device dies
Emily Thompson
•Personally I prefer trains they are fast efficient and easier access
for myself.
•I think the prices of travel for most transport is unrealistic for
working class
it is very expensive for me to travel to university daily.
•I subconsciously collect noramal journey tickets and tickets from memorable
•I currently have an electronic pass but this is still verified with a
paper ticket
so I don’t
think paper will go yet I personally like my electronic ticket but miss
collecting paper tickets.
Laura Taylor
•I prefer train over any others. The journey's are just more enjoyable and
interesting for me, don't know why.
•I think they are overpriced especially considering you could in some
circumstances probably fly for cheaper than taking the train.
•I don't keep my tickets as once they are used they have no use to me.
• I prefer having paper tickets because at least then you know you can
get on the train and prove you have paid.
Joel Sleet
•I prefer trains as it's the
main mode of transport I use personally, and I
think, like Hattie said, they're
quite efficient, with only a few delays etc.
•Prices are pretty high, but
then again the economy is still a little dire so
prices are pushed up!
• I don't tend to keep
my tickets as I don't feel the need to keep them! I
think they are slightly
outdated and a waste of paper, as most people
will throw them away at some
• In the future we'll
all be using tickets electronically anyway, as transactions
are also slowly
becoming electronically.
Charles Worrall
•Bus because there are generally more stops closer to where you live
trains (unless you live next to the train station haha)
•Tickets can be over priced if you don't
have a half fare pass.
•No I don't keep my tickets because there's no point me keeping them.
• I think electronic would be better because saving trees and all that haha
Belinda Yilmaz
•Tube! I know we don't have one in leeds but yeah it's quick and easier.
•If you have an oyster travel can be fairly cheap depending on how often
you use it!
•If I ever get a paper ticket yes
I keep it for
the memories.
•I prefer electronic!
-Lucas Macintosh
•bus because even though theyre slower they are better for quieter
places and you get to learn more areas.
•They are definitely overpriced.
•I get rid of my tickets in the bin normally.
•I prefer paper tickets. just because
sometimes you can keep one
from a cool day.
Theo Midgley
•Trains because they’re quicker, more room and nicer people.
•train prices are good - bus
prices are over priced.
•Keeping tickets creates litter.
•paper tickets use resources but there is too much electronics around.
Ben Elsworth
•If I travelled via public transport I would say train.
•Overpriced cheaper for me to drive
•I wouldn’t
save my ticket after travel why would you need to.
•I would personally prefer to use an electronic ticket.
Richard Taylor
•My favourite transport is trains because they are quick and efficient.
•I think travel is overpriced, it keeps going up and it never goes down,
I think it should be based on fuel prices of the time.
•I don't keep all my tickets, only the ones that are meaningful journeys.
I hate electronic tickets ><
Harriet Windley
•My favourite is also
trains, because I don't like motorways and I'm
scared of planes.
• I think tickets are
overpriced but a lot of things are these days.
• I sometimes keep
train tickets in a tin because I feel like they'd make a
nice collage one day
Lo Wilcock
•Train, it's quickest and easiest
•Yes, I like to remember places I've been
•I don't think they're outdated it's nice to keep some things physical!
Lucy Winterburn
•Train, it's quick and easy, they're not usually late and the prices are
what you'd expect for train travel.
•I think the bus prices are fairly overpriced, but managers would not
able to keep buses running if they put the cost down. Train travel
is the
expected price, and coach travel is very cheap which is good.
•I sometimes keep my tickets, just in case. You never know when
you're gonna need the ticket.
•I think paper tickets and electronic tickets are both efficient and
tickets aren't outdated. Some people prefer to use paper tickets but
nice to have the option of both!
- Phoebe Heald
•I use buses all the time I think they could do with been a little more
on time but you can get to where you need to without drama and you
know your
always going to get there
•the fares are reasonable
•I don't keep my ticket but I do think some sort of electronic ticket
would be better for the environment
Claire Solanki
•Coach if anything, it's a lot cheaper
•No, don't need them for anything
•Not outdated, i prefer it in paper form
Becky Paterson
•Bus as it's more accessible to where I live as there is no train
in Kippax.
•When I was working I would get monthly passes so I would keep them
after each use.
•Paper tickets are definitely not outdated when it come to transport as
people like to have a hard printed copy because some technology can
unreliable, such as having an app with your bus ticket on which needs
connection it might not connect to be able to open the ticket
therefore you'd
have to purchase another ticket.
Shannon Colgan
•I prefer trains too,
they are a lot more efficient and it's relaxing to me
sitting on a train and
looking outside the window while listening to music
• I think I
subconsciously collect train tickets because I never seem to throw
them away
and I always have a few in my purse
• I prefer them to
electronic anyway
-Emma Nicholls
•I prefer trains as
well, though they are quite overpriced - thank God
for railcards! .
•I can't stand being on
coaches for hours and hours cause I find a hard
time getting comfortable on
them, but if the distance isn't too long I don't
mind them, and they're really
• I prefer paper
tickets just cause I like collecting them whenever it's my first
travelling somewhere or if it was a meaningful journey.
Richelle Hew
•I like long journeys
and don't mind taking the bus to get around.
• I live in York and
the bus tickets are so expensive it's ridiculous.
•I keep my bus
tickets, I'm not sure why! They just get collected in my
purse I'm not even
sure I realise!
•I like using paper
tickets, just as a keep sake. I'm always worried
about electronic as my phone
always dies and I wouldn't be able to
get it up on the screen!
-Rowan Coupland
•Buses, because they
are generally on time there is more bus stops
then train stations.
•About right I guess.
•No because its just
•I prefer electronic
because it saves trees.
Daniel Moore
The next bit of primary research was to collate my own tickets to
have a physical collection of which I could take a minimum of 20
photos, my collection is collated of train tickets and concert/plane
Here is a few examples of my photos:
This last picture is
of me on my first train
ride I believe if i use this
in my presentation it will
end it on good humour
and engage better with my
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