Thursday, 15 January 2015

OUGD405 Brief 4 Final

OUGD405 Brief 4 Final/Presentation

OUGD405 Brief 4 - Developments


Tickets page, Ive used orange to create my tickets this is because of the
similarity to the original paper tickets, I've included all the information
from a normal paper tick including a QR code which can be scanned by
ticket officers. Iv also added an extra bit to the tickets - A code which can be
used if you phone is low on battery - STICKER/TICKET CODE -

Ive added a info button 

Menu idea - This is clear and concise but too plain and boring although
its simple I would argue no one would want to use it due to its aesthetics
to improve this I am going to create more personalised icons.

Menu page 2nd start I have drawn and scanned in images for my icon buttons
to make it more user friendly it is also a similar feel to the train line adverts.

I felt the icons where powerful and stand alone but could do with some colour
to make the feel less white washed. I chose blue and orange because they are
complimentary colours although I don't think this works. I plan to remove
the colour from the background.

OUGD405 Brief 3 - A pocket Guide To Trains