Thursday, 27 November 2014

OUGD405 Brief 1, Research Response

My design experimentation response to research:

Ive experimented with pattern design and repetition using
shapes and nature.

1. Patterns.

2. Geometric fruit and flowers.

3. Continuous Lines

4. Illustration

5. Simple Shapes

OUGD405 Brief 1 Geometric Patterns

Geometric Patterns, Illustration and Designs

Justin Maller - "In 2013, New York-based designer and illustrator
Justin Maller accepted a challenge from his girlfriend to create a 
new piece of personal artwork every day for 12 months.
He has created 365 pieces of geometric design here a few...

Matt W Moore -  M. Moore creates geometric designs ranging from
graffiti murals, to ceramic tile design, he ranges from brigh and 
colourful to black and white, his work is eye catching and creative.

Natural Form Geometric Food Art - By Sakir Göckçebag

The artist has cut into apples to create a clean geometric shape I 
would like to look into natural forms and design similar.

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

OUGD405 Brief 1 Primary Research

Photo frames In Leeds City Centre

1. Tkmaxx
Travelling frame, the background
in the frame is stamps from different
countries this is really well considered
and matches the frame successfully.
No dimensions.

2. Tkmaxx
Simple frame, Simple frame simple
background, clear and simple not that
eye catching.

 3,4,5. Tkmaxx
Geometric/patterned frames, these 3
frames have geometric/patterned
backgrounds directly following from
the design of the frame, this is simple
and looks good it is a good way of
selling the product the reason I feel
this is successful is because it has an
individual character compared to some
of the more simple designs.

6. Paperchase
Owl frame, Simple typography
background and illustration it fits
well with the quirky design of the
frame this is something I would like
to do for my set.
7, 8. Paperchase
Flower frame, another quirky typography
background design with a simple

9. Wilko's
Loop frame, I dislike this frame it
feels too clipart-y it is simple and
uses shape but is not aesthetically
pleasing this designed is used in
majority of their frames.

There is a clear difference between the higher brands such as TKMAXX 
and Paperchase the design inside there frames is well thought out compared
to a cheaper brand such as Wilko's although Wilko's frames are just as good
as the higher brands the frame insert is a disservice to the product.

Monday, 24 November 2014

OUGD405 Brief 1 - Design Process

Brief 1 - Design Process
Re-imagine the backing paper for a photo frame. This must include
the dimensions of the frame. You must produce a minimum of three 
designs, which work as a set across three different frame sizes. 
Choose from the frame dimensions below:

6x4 inches - 7x5 inches - 8x6 inches

A5 - A4 - A3

The concept of your design should be shape, you can interpret this 
as a literal shape e.g. circle, sphere, triangle, square, box etc or be 
more imaginative. Consider how you frame your shape, be creative 
with your manipulations and compositions. Consider how to engage 
the audience and the target market of your photoframe. For example 
a Wilkinsons photoframe would be packaged and designed with a 
different aesthetic to a Harvey Nicholls frame.

All typography and vector based images must be produced in Adobe 
Illustrator. Any images must be manipulated in Adobe Photoshop. 
The final composition must be produced in Adobe Photoshop.


Explore a range of concepts in your research and development of your
own ideas. Consider the usage, functionality and display within 
commercial outlets when resolving this problem.

Not all your investigations should take place on the Mac. Digital image 
capture methods such as scanning and digital photography allow you to 
import media from a range of sources (photographs, photocopies, 
drawings, tracings, found material etc.)

Once you have imported this material how can you manipulate using the 
tools and capabilities of Photoshop (cropping, selecting, layering, repeating, 
colour changes, reversing out etc.)


In preparation for the second session you must have photographed a selection 
of images to work with.

The frame backing papers must exist as part of a set/series and must include 
the frame dimensions.


A quantity of visual investigation/research.

Developmental work in sketchbooks/worksheets.

Three frame backing papers designed and mocked up in a photo frame.

Minimum of 4 design boards, presenting and discussing the following:

Initial designs
Design choices (colour, format, type, layout)
Final designs

My analysis of the brief

To create 3 frame background inserts (6x4 inches - 7x5 inches - 8x6 inches
A5 - A4 - A3), they must be consistent and work as a set they must also 
include the dimensions in the design. The final designs must be produced 
in photoshop.

Sunday, 16 November 2014

OUGD403 Module 1 Evaluation


Module 1 – OUGD403 By Laura Taylor

How do you think the module went?

At the beginning I found the workload hard I have got used to 
putting myself under pressure to meet deadlines. Because of this 
I have learnt how to manage my time more effectively especially 
on Brief 4, gradually on each brief I have improved my time 

What went wrong, or feel you could improve?

· I would research more relevant work/artists to the brief when 
given the work rather then put it off.

· I feel I didn’t keep up with my work at first but getting into a 
routine is helping me keep on top of itself.

What have you learnt?

· At first I struggled with time management I am now more 
confident when deadlines are set.

· Giving and receiving feedback, I have learnt my input is important 
to help others improve work and vice versa I feel I have acted 
on feedback I have received too.

· Research is really important and can effect the direction of the 
brief/design, I need to concentrate on doing more research that 
will help me direct my work and will help me learn new 

Did you meet the assessment criteria and Briefs set?

I think I have met the criteria but feel after progression and 
development I have gained in this module If I was to re do this 
again It would be to a higher standard due to the time management 
and skills I have learnt since the beginning of starting this course. 
The briefs have helped me progress further and feel more confident 
within my work and adding conviction to what I am doing; alongside 
tutorials in software and inductions to printing I look forward to 
learning more.

Overall how did you feel about your submission?

I am happy with my first module I have put a lot of time and effort 
into it and tried hard to complete it successfully to a high standard, 
It has given me a small taster of what Is next to come and I look 
forward to the challenge and improving my skills further.

Friday, 14 November 2014

OUGD403 Breif 4 Final Crit

Final Crit - Feedback

  • Love the tone of voice - humour makes it memorable.
  • Works well as a set - they link really well.
  • Like the logo one very strong and clear.
  • Gets the message across.
  • Love the slippers, nice and simple.
  • colour of crown is good.
  • Nice 'quirky' message.
  • strong.
  • simple and effective, strong image.
  • like the humour used.
All my feedback was positive I take this as my posters meeting 
the brief criteria and them being successful.

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

OUGD403 Brief 4 FInal Posters

Campaign for people over 50 to use the internet

OUGD403 Brief 4 Colour Scheme/Typeface

OUGD403 Brief 4 Acting on Feedback


  • The photograph wouldn't be in the two colour restriction maybe
you could two tone the slipper in photoshop?

Response :

  • The logo on the bottom of all posters appears like the NHS logo,
maybe try a different tone of blue or in the other colour gold.

Response:  When asking my peers which they felt was best and didnt appear 
similar to the NHS logo, The bottom right was preferred as it was dark and clear
it also had no colour accusation with the NHS

OUGD403 Brief 4 Feedback

Feedback on 3 Posters

Image and type -

  • Although this is a good representation out of the two i prefer the
poster without background it links better with the other two posters.

  • The photograph wouldn't be in the two colour restriction maybe
you could two tone the slipper in photoshop?

Image only - 

  • I would like to see the poster with the variations of crowns on
 the logo.

Collectively - 

  • The logo on the bottom of all posters appears like the NHS logo,
maybe try a different tone of blue or in the other colour gold.

OUGD403 Brief 4 Developments

Developments - Image only

I have chosen to use the twitter logo and the queens crown to
simply make a clear statement, " The queens tweet" or
"Queens Tweet" its simplistic and to the point I have used blue
to be consistent to my other posters alongside the twitter logo and
site, I have chosen to use gold as my second colour due to it being
associated with hierarchy and a sense of regal about it.

Here are the examples of crowns I played around with to place on
twitter logo and here is my chosen crown. Although the simplistic
crown worked well I del the most complex was more representative
of the Queen.

OUGD403 Brief 4 Developments

Developments - Type

I started out with a straight forward to the point poster, it was
was pointed out Couldn't was too negative and should be replaced
by 'can't'.

Something still wasn't right about it, It was then clear when another
peer noticed that the use of can't suggest there incompetence and would
be better if it was suggest you can do it, its not hard the queen can do it
this made me change the slogan to.. The Queen can tweet, so can you.

I have used the typeface called Montserrat due to it being extremely
similar to the type face twitter used Twitter uses Gotham as this type
face was not available I chose the next best thing. The colour scheme
is also relevant to twitter I have chosen blue which is commonly used
on the website.

OUGD403 Brief 4 Developments

Developments - Type and Image

I have created a twitter account for the queen, It is a comical series of
posts showing what the queen would tweet, like any other old 
pensioner, I am using this account for my Image and type poster.

In my two poster designs I have simple screen shotted the twitter post
and placed it onto the A3 template and placed the relevant information
for the elderly at the bottom to call to get there free guide to the internet,
the second design is the same but with the cloud twitter background.