Desktop Final Evaluation
After the crit with only I developed my design further and improved
many aspects, mainly user ability and experience. My final idea is based
on the concept of reveal and influenced by the style and music of
Mumford and Sons.
The first page shown is the loading page before the site.. Once the site
has loaded the site will reveal itself '#wildermind' The use of the hashtag
is to promote its users to publicise the site on social media platforms
such as Facebook, twitter and instagram. All of these sites will increase
the population of use of the site making it functional and successful,
gaining the sales and increased interest in the band and of course album.
The site is then finally revealed leaving only 2 key features, the title
and the option to sign up - by selecting the sign in button it will lead
you to a separate page again allowing you to engage with social media
by connecting your accounts rather than before just entering your email
address. By having the option to sign up with social media the user is more
likely to engage due to the ease and simpleness of the sign up.
Moving on to the navigation and use of the site.. to move around the
site the main title page splits into several pages as seen. Each letter
gives access to different parts of the site. The most important of the
site which is consistent throughout is the # this icon will allow the
user to go back to the main page and can be found on almost every
page. Although all letters link to a contents page some are locked
for signed up users only, by doing this people who haven't signed
up already will be intrigued to find out what they are missing out on.
The locked pages will contain exclusive content pages;
- The Forum
- Puzzle Bag
- Account
As shown the next few slides show the pages of my site which I
have briefly explained, below is the account page - you can here
change your personality and region so you can contribute to the
forum you may also deactivate you account on here if wished to
do so. As you can see on every page there is a small icon in the
right hand corner this will lead you to either the sign in/up or account
page allowing you to make any changes necessary. The next screen is
'About the band' this will include a small snippet of and about the
band themselves and about their new and upcoming album.
On the left is an example of the Forum, there is a search bar which
enables the user to explore for relevant posts they wish to read or
contribute to, if there is not a previous post open the user will have
the option to create a new post which then other users can also contribute.
On the right is the Videos spread this allows the users to watch past
music videos and even advert clips of the upcoming album to promote
people to buy it!
Here lies the beginning of the user experience.. the puzzle. The puzzle
pages has a small pop up with a brief and beneficial explanation of the
The pop up will disappear when closed, this will then reveal a
countdown to the release date of a puzzle piece. Each piece will
reveal a new piece of exclusive content such as music and competitions
and so forth...
When a piece is collated it will be put into the puzzle bag - providing
you are signed up. When opening up the puzzle bag it will allow
you to place your pieces wherever on the board until it is full.
Every time a piece is collected the timer will appear giving the next
amount of time to wait this will encourage the user to continue to come
back.. if you miss a piece you don't complete the puzzle - and if you
complete the puzzle you have a chance to win a prize such as a physical
piece of the puzzle or signed merchandise.
Finally most important the option to pre order the album before release
when the site is finalised and puzzle complete you will still be able to
buy the album - the button will link directly to iTunes.
Overall my site is easy to navigate, simple and uncomplicated. The
site uses techniques to engage with a wide audience - because of its
ease to navigate. Because the site is modern and clean it appeals to
many age ranges and backgrounds. The theme of the site is important
to the progression of the user engagement by offering something to the
user it influences connection and recurring visits.
Although my site adheres to the brief strongly there are few things I would
change. After finishing the brief I noticed that although there was an option
the pre order the album this is one of the main importances and should ideally
be everywhere it encourage sales if given longer I would find a way to
incorporate this idea, I would also like to add more personality to the
site although my site is simple and clean I feel it lacks character and
personality I think this would really liven up my site.
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